17. Did You Get Your Planter Prepared?
Planting season is almost here in mid-Michigan. Soon winter's icy grip will give way to brighter days and warmer temperatures.
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16. Did you know?
Along with the 1100 acres of row crops, the North Central Research Station also has a 3-acre high density Apple Orchard designated for research.
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15. Planning for Success!
Well it’s early March already and getting close to going to the field next month. Here at the North Central Research Station, equipment upkeep and maintenance has been underway for some time. But there is always something to do right up till the last minute. In addition to the equipment prep, an equally important part of pre-season preparation is the experiment planning. There is no magic map and treatment list that just appears. Each experiment and where it will go is carefully planned, reviewed, rehashed and finally entered into the database. Just like any farmer at this time of year, we are cautiously approaching the upcoming season with optimism and great hopes for a successful year. In the coming weeks, there will be blogs from others at the NCRS explaining what goes on behind the scenes in the different areas. Stay tuned.
14. Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!
After a challenging year that we hope is soon way behind us, the North Central Research Station wishes everyone a Happy New Year! Although we successfully established a number of field tests, we sure missed hosting the many visitors that we normally have to see the plots. So thanks to those that allowed us to perform research and demonstration trials in 2020, and we invite you and others to trust the North Central Research Station to run the quality field testing needed to measure product performance in 2021.