Field Crop Planter
(15" and 30" Rows)
This field crop planter is capable of a variety of liquid
fertilizer placement options. The planter is equipped with
Precision Planting attachments for accurate and uniform
seed placement. It can plant 30 and 15 inch rows.

Drilled Crops
Planting plots with a grain drill that is also capable of liquid
fertilizer application in the seed furrow.

Potato Planter
Potato plot planter gives uniform spacing and placement of
the seed pieces. Plots can make evaluations of fertility,
crop protection, foliars and other variables

Strip Tillage
Strip Till plots can evaluate liquid and dry fertilizer
applications within the strip. Strips made in the fall can
enable early planting in the spring

New Equipment Evaluation
The North Central Research Station has participated in Beta
Testing of products before they have introduced to the
market. We can provide controlled testing within plots for
early use evaluation.

Backpack Sprayer
Backpack sprayer applications of products to soil or crop in small plots.

360 Y-Drop®
Sidedress applications can be made with 360 Y-Drop®
equipment. Crop protection/nutrition can be applied beneath
the canopy of tall corn with the 360 Undercover®.