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Planting plots on Memorial Day weekend.
Customized dry fertilizer and seed spreader set for 15-foot wide plots.  Simulates an air spreader.
Strip-Till plot with fertilizer application.
Some of the ground at the NCRS is for Organic Farming.
Planting into green cover crop.
Apple blossom time.
Winter wheat plots with tram-lines for applications without driving on the crop.
Plot research can compare treatment effects on soybean seed germination.
Small-plot research on alfalfa with backpack sprayer.  The wire on the boom maintains proper height.
Preparing alfalfa sub-sample for clipping and weighing, by pushing down stems outside the border.
An alfalfa plot sub-samples for yield and tissue sampling.  The Hula Hoop is an accepted method.
Collecting soybean leaves for tissue analysis.
GPS guidance with precision planting makes for accurate treatment application in a plot.
Planting No-Till plots.
Accurate collection of a 4-inch soil sample from a corn row.
Planting two rows of a potato plot with treatment containers at the back.
Liquid fertilizer application at hilling of potato plots.
Accurate plot yield with HarvestMaster GrainGage technology.
Plant when field conditions are good


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